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International Journal of Internet of Things and Big Data

Volume 3, No. 2, 2018, pp 1-12


An Efficient Data Analytics-Cloud Integrated Decision Support Service for Smart Agriculture

    Balaji Prabhu B V1, Dakshayini M2
    1Research Scholar, Department of Information Science and Engineering,
    2Professor. Department of Information Science and Engineering,
    1,2BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
    1[email protected], 2[email protected]


    At present, in the field of agriculture, farmers are suffering with many problems. One of them is farmers even after they put complete effort, suffer with loss and do not get the expected market prices for their yields and hence consumer also suffers with highly varied prices due to insufficient supply of the production. This is mainly due to the gap between supply of and the demand for the food crops which need to be addressed. So, farmers better to have access to essential information like expected demand for crops and forecasted weather conditions using technologies available and make productive decision in selecting the desirable crop. Hence there is need for a technology based efficient decision support service, from which farmers could get the required information altogether for beneficial farming and also discuss/exchange their good practices. This may help them in selecting the desirable crop for which there is a demand and there by getting expected price for the same. Hence this paper proposes an efficient data analytics and Cloud technologies based decision support service[TDSS] achieving reduced gap between the demand for and the supply of the crop required by the society and effective crop management making both farmers and consumers happy.


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